Feb 25, 2021

5 Top Language learning trends today

When the first lockdown was implemented in the world on the 23rd of January 2020, the world went into a learning coma. Schools were shut down abruptly, businesses were closed, and levels of anxieties skyrocketed. At this time, a majority of people were under restriction of movement. Idleness kicked in, and true to the saying, necessity is the mother of inventions, new hobbies were realized. 

For language lovers, this was the time to rekindle their hobbies in learning a new language, and this kept them going, as days would move slightly faster, as opposed to keeping an eye on a ‘watched pot’ which never boils.

A huge number of travelers could not help but channel their energy into learning a new culture, at least to quench the thirst of visiting another country, all at the comfort of their homes.

 In a recent study by  Dr. Thomas Bak, a lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, learning multiple languages was found to enhance memory, boost creativity and improve individual concentration. Other studies have also indicated that being bilingual increases one’s chances of landing a job. Understandably, many people would naturally find a haven in the priceless hobby- language learning.

It is due to this pressing demand of finding an escapade in Language learning that several Language training centers moved online. Subsequently, the number of language students rose steadily during the pandemic. In fact, for the first time, the learning of Japanese language, the world’s third most difficult language to learn for English speakers, was boosted dramatically during the lockdown.

 Image credits: theculturetrip

With the world adopting the virtual learning experience, this article breaks down the 5 top e-learning trends in the language industry, present today.

5 Top E-learning trends today

1.             Mobile learning

Today, 62% of the world population can access the internet, this is according to internet world statistics, and the number is likely to shoot to 72% by the year 2025, according to a study published by CNBC. The growing demand for internet users fuels the need to consider mobile phone users when building language courses. Language learning programs such as the NLP have proven responsive to this call, by publishing flexible content fit for learners using mobile phones. Using such a program, learners are sure to access their language classes anywhere, any time, by simply connecting with their online instructors and can have conversations with them in real-time.

2.            Microlearning

Microlearning refers to self-directed learning delivered in small chunks, consumed through digital media. This method is time conscious in approach, in the sense that individuals are not overwhelmed with a barrage of information. Concepts are learnt in stand-alone topics that can last for less than 60 minutes or even split into shorter modules. Microlearning employs the use of videos, quizzes, and infographics, which are less monotonous.

3.            Gamification 

Gamification refers to a well-designed game with an educational objective. The games are interactive and appealing, aimed at teaching a learner about languages. The motivational reinforcement being a reward at the end of the game puts learners on their toes, stimulates their thinking faculties, and even enhances memorability of the language they are learning. The use of language games has become popular today because of both their entertaining value and educational purpose. Games such as KlooSpot itLanguage gain, to mention a few, can be a fun way to learn a language fast and effectively. This trend is here to stay!

4.          Video learning

Each day experts across the world upload bytes of videos online full of tips that language learners find helpful. This method remains by far the most captivating, because of its visual appeal. According to psychologists, 83% of what we remember is learned through sight, and only 11% through hearing. Thus, language instructions provided through engaging videos, have a higher effect on a learner, compared to static e-learning material. The beauty of this method is, one can easily find a free version, or opt to go for a paid version, depending on their taste and preferences. Once you find a favorite professional, you are good to go.

5.      Adaptive learning

This refers to an approach that identifies learner's entry behavior, before proceeding to instruction. The language learning program provides tests to learners, to determine what they already know, and what they do not know. By doing this, the vice of assuming that all learners are at the same level is rooted out. The pre-learning tests assist the algorithm to identify the appropriate level the learner should begin his language training at. Effective Language programs such as the NLP, are known to adopt this method. In the Newbridge Language Program, learners are ranked according to their pace. Beginner's level is the stars, Intermediate, Champions and finally the advanced learners' Victors. Thus learners are not forced to take modules they are already conversant with.


By the year 2026, the worth of the e-learning market is expected to reach $ 375 billion. This means that the e-learning trend is here to stay! The question is, will you take advantage of it?

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  1. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-55628488

  2. https://www.whitbyschool.org/passionforlearning/learning-a-new-language-helps-brain-development#:~:text=Language%20learning%20helps%20improve%20people's%20thinking%20skills%20and%20memory%20abilities.&text=%E2%80%9CBecause%20the%20language%20centers%20in,brain's%20natural%20ability%20to%20focus.%22

  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4320748/

  4. https://hongkongtesol.com/blog/2019/07/gamification-english-language-teaching-more-childs-play#:~:text=Gamification%2C%20game%2Dbased%20learning%20or,thinking%20and%20problem%2Dsolving%20abilities.

  5. https://elearningindustry.com/current-elearning-trends-2019-future

Feb 25, 2021